Sunday, 2 September 2012

Colloidal Silver

For those of you who don't like the sound of Hydrogen Peroxide, Colloidal Silver also has excellent healing properties.  Silver was used well before Anti-biotics came into existance.

Lindsay and I read about this natural product several years ago and bought ourselves a Colloidal Silver Well which in effect is a colloidal silver making machine.  A very inexpensive way of using CS as it is quite expensive to buy at the health shops.  I bought the well from for around $200.

A very effective way of using CS is by mouth.  When there is onset of symptoms, I take one to four tablespoons 3 x daily.  I have recently bought a portable nebuliser from Ebay which is the most effective way of taking it for bronchial infections especially for kids!

Have a look at this website to learn more:


•A safe and all around germ-fighter 
•Safe to use, even for children
•No recorded reaction with other medications
•Tasteless, odorless, harmless to eyes
•Helps improve digestion. Does not upset the stomach
•Body develops no dependency or tolerance 
•Cannot overdose 
•Helps prevent colds and flu 
•Promotes greater energy, vitality and vigor 
•Excellent for veterinary uses.

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Protect yourself from Super Bugs

I was just reading my daily email from which was writing about the death of the anti-biotic.  Apparently the big Pharmaceutical companies have given up on finding any new anti-biotics as they are ALL super bug resistant.  They put up a list of ways to protect yourself and I include them now.

What's crystal clear from reading their report is this:

• Doctors can't protect you from superbugs (they SPREAD them!)
• Hospitals can't protect you from superbugs (they cultivate them!)
• The government can't protect you from superbugs (they ignore them!)
• Big Pharma can't protect you from superbugs (they don't care!)

If you want to be protected from superbugs, you'll need to protect yourself. How do you do that? Here are some simple, commonsense strategies to avoid infections:

1.  Have a strong immune system to begin with. Make sure you have plenty of vitamin C and vitamin D in your system at all times. (Most westerners are hopelessly vitamin D deficient.)

2.  If you do get infected, seek out a naturopathic physician immediately. Explain what you're already using to boost your health, and ask for additional help from a qualified holistic physician.

3.  If you are in the hospital, demand that medical personnel wash their hands in your presence before they touch you. Bring a sprayer containing water and bleach, and spray down all surfaces in your room. Wash your own hands on a regular basis.

4.  Diabetes makes infections spread more quickly. To become more resistant to infections, reverse symptoms of diabetes using diet, exercise and vitamin D. (

5.  Own an herbal emergency medicine kit with elements known to kill infectious bacteria: Honey, colloidal silver, oregano extracts, ginger, thyme extracts, vitamin B3 and so on. (Of course I fully add Hydrogen Peroxide to this list!)

6.  Stop taking vaccines! They harm your immune system and make you more susceptible to future infections:

7.  Eat a diet that's rich in plant-based nutrients that fight infections. Consume lots of berries, green leafy vegetables, fresh organic fruits, fresh culinary herbs, omega-3 oils, living foods and so on.

8.  Supplement your diet with superfoods. Some of my favorite superfoods for general immune support include goji berries, cacao, mangosteen, acai, hemp seeds, coconut oil and so on.

The bottom line? Eat well, get lots of sunshine, stay out of the hospitals and practice the fundamentals of personal hygiene (such as hand washing).

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Home Remedies of our Ancestors

Can you remember an ‘Old Wives Tale’ or a silly remedy that your Mum always made you take when you started getting a cough? I think home remedies or natural remedies these days are something the general public are "suspicious" about.  Our mothers and grandmothers coped very well with lots of children taking such things as cider vinegar, onion syrup and castor oil.

As we now have a crisis in anti-biotic resistance to bacteria and anti-biotic resistance to very strong strains of staph infections, these old remedies are now becoming relevant to what we need to support our health and wellness.  The pharmaceutical companies have successfully seduced us into believing only THEY have the answers to sickness.  However, we are now in an age where we have been dosed up and doped up so much, we are reliant upon our pills to keep us well.   I believe drugs are an "easy" way for us to treat our symptoms as natural remedies generally involve preparation and sometimes unpleasant smells or application.
Popping a pill that is full of synthetics and chemicals which generally include an extensive list of harmful side effects (which we all skim over and cross our fingers that we are not going to experience any) is generally the accepted way of our world.

It dawns on me we have to take control of our own health and start to allow the body to heal itself.  I cannot remember a time when a local doctor actually healed me.  He/she only shows me how to manage the symptoms and suggests the current drug to combat the symptom.  The body has been created to heal itself, and if given the right chemical balance and nourishment, it will do that beautifully.  To fill ourselves with drugs is just causing chemical imbalance in our bodies and so the cycle continues.

Now I've got that off my chest, I am going to to door to take possession of my Inversion Table.  But that's another story....

Sunday, 12 August 2012

Hydrogen Peroxide - The Wonder Cure

I recommend you do your homework and study this out.  I have a link to a free pdf entitled "The One Minute Cure".  see links at the right of this page.

It seems living in a world more and more poor of oxygen, our body is negatively affected by this.
Food, water and the atmosphere are more and more lacking in this element which it is so important for the health of all living beings.
The lack of oxygen encourages harmful microorganisms, which cause diseases to proliferate.
By increasing the quantity of oxygen, we can strengthen our body cells (aerobic cells which use oxygen to produce energy). We can give more vitality to our immune defense system, with the consequence of attacking the anaerobic cells (cells which are the cause of unhealthy environments).
Reported below are the two ways to administrate hydrogen peroxide by inhalation.

Put about 3 ml of the 3% solution into a beaker and inhale it breathing deeply. You may try holding your breath for 5 or 10 seconds; this can increase your lungs elasticity and help to reduce breathlessness.
Remember that, once that hydrogen peroxide has been inhaled in your lungs, it can cause an “Alka Seltzer” effect. It removes catarrh which might be accumulated in the respiratory system. Eventually we have a  strong expulsion of catarrh. This might be just for a short period of time until the catarrh has been completely removed.
Using regularly a vaporizer to inhale hydrogen peroxide can avoid the formation of new catarrh and consequently, prevent from respiratory disorders or any disease whatsoever.

At the chemist’s or pharmacy it may be possible to buy a spray bottle with a dispenser, specific for throat or nasal sprays.  I buy mine from Ebay (search: Empty Nasal spray bottles – and I buy the largest in a lot of 8)  Using 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted to half strength many times a day can help relief a stuffy nose or disinfect your mouth.
Doing this regularly is very useful. Since this intake system is energetic, it is better not to do it before bedtime.
It can help to soothe pain in case of headaches or dizziness because we have an immediate increase of oxygen
when using the nasal spray.

Practical User Guide:

How to use food grade hydrogen peroxide
SHOWER – After having had your shower you can:
· Spray 3% hydrogen peroxide directly on your body.
· Pour some on your hand and pass it over your body.
PERSONAL HYGIENE – 3% hydrogen peroxide when in contact with a person’s genitals has always proved to be a cure-all.  If you spray hydrogen peroxide directly on your genitals, not only it cleans better than whatever soap can do but it immediately gives great relief. A constant administration may prevent from irritation, reddening and itching.

INSIDE YOUR EARS – It is not necessary to clean your ears before putting 8/10 drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ear cavity. Do this leaning the other side of your head on the table and wait a minute or two. You may hear a bubbling noise in your ear. This is caused by the effect of oxygen on the harmful cells which nestle in your ears. The microorganisms will be eliminated leaving your ears clean and disinfected. Taking care regularly of your ears in this way helps eliminating the overproduction of ear wax. Another important benefit you may have is to prevent flu, colds and inner ear infections.
Putting 8/10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in your children’s ears may help prevent colds and flu and other typical children disorders such as diarrhea, bellyaches or headaches.
YOUR ARMPITS - After having washed and dried out well your armpits, spray on them 3 hydrogen peroxide (3%). It can considerably reduce the bad smell when sweating. This habit may prevent armpit infections from bacteria, fungi and viruses.

The Many Uses of Eucalyptus Oil

Uses for Eucalyptus oil around the house

Aside from medicinal uses, eucalyptus oil can be used around your home to replace many environmentally harsh synthetic chemicals.

Penny, a professional cleaner, gives these tips:

"I make a spray and wipe with water, eucalyptus oil and some washing up liquid. The idea comes from a hospital cleaner and works well. Proportions are not rocket science. Fill bottle mostly with water - add a slurp of dishwashing liquid and then a capful or thereabouts of 100% eucalyptus. Shake gently to mix. Works well on all surfaces. I use it diluted again in a little water in a bucket and it is great for all those finger marks that are hard to move from laminex finishes."

- You can also make a general disinfectant for toilets etc and again, it's a very simple recipe. mix 50 ml (1.6 oz) of eucalyptus oil with a litre (quart) of water. That's it - you can store it as you would a normal disinfectant.

- Eucalyptus oil can be used neat in order to remove sticker/decal residue from glass

- Add 1-2 teaspoonfuls of eucalyptus oil to your load of washing for a fresh scent along with the anti-microbial benefits

- Use the oil neat to help remove paint, grease and ink from clothes

- If you have a hanging car air freshener that's almost dead, reinvigorate it by adding a few drops of eucalyptus oil

- Half a teaspoon mixed with half a litre (half quart) of water makes for a good bug repellent for plants

- Use it as a stainless steel cleaner

- To use as a room air freshener, Mix a quarter of a teaspoon or 15 drops of eucalyptus oil with a half teaspoon of vodka, place in an atomizer/spray bottle and add 2 cups of water. This should be quite subtle, so you may need to add more.

How to Take It:


Eucalyptus oil (for topical application): add ½ - 1 mL (15 - 30 drops) of oil to 1/2 cup of carrier oil (sesame, almond, olive, etc.). For inhalation, add 5 - 10 drops of oil to 2 cups boiling water. Place towel over head and inhale steam.


Individuals with inflammation of the kidneys or gastrointestinal tract, bile duct inflammatory disease, liver disease, or low or high blood pressure should not use eucalyptus leaf extract. Tannins in the leaves may cause stomach upset or kidney and liver damage if leaf preparations are ingested in large amounts.

People with asthma should use eucalyptus oil with caution due to the herbs potential to tigger an asthma attack.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should not use eucalyptus.

When used externally, eucalyptus oil is nontoxic. When taken internally, however, eucalyptus oil is toxic.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

The Many Uses of Lavender Oil

Uses of Lavender  

Lavender Oil:

Produces a fresh and calming atmosphere.
Insect repellent:     Mix a few drops of lavender oil with a little sunflower oil and rub onto skin
Moth repellent:     Use sachets of dried lavender buds in wardrobes and linen drawers
Inhalation:   Clear a stuffy nose – add 5 drops of lavender oil to a small bowl of hot, steaming water.
Burns or sunburn:     A few drops of lavender oil on burns can relieve pain and help healing.
Scars:     Add lavender oil to a carrier oil and massage gently into scarred area. Must be applied within a few weeks of scarring to obtain a reasonable diminishing of the scar.
Eczema, Dermatitis and Psoriasis:     Lavender oil will assist in control of these skin problems.
Acne:     Lavender will assist in controlling and relieving acne and other associated skin problems.
Sleep Disorders:   A few drops of lavender oil on the pillow or massaged gently into temples will help in inducing sleep.
Massage:     Add 45 drops of lavender oil to 100mL carrier oil and massage.
Headaches:   Gently massage a couple of drops of lavender oil on to temples.
Sunburn:     Add a few drops of lavender oil to water (mineral) and spray onto sunburned skin.
Bathing:     Enjoy a relaxing bath and relieve stress by adding lavender oil to the bath.
Cosmetics:   Add a couple of drops of lavender oil to your favorite face cream or bath product.
Washing floors:     Add a few drops to your floor washing water. Great for timber, tile or slate floors.
Drying clothes:     In a clothes dryer – put a few drops of lavender oil onto one item of clothing and place in dryer with others. Will give your clothes a beautiful fragrance and scent your house.

Lavender Water:

Has all the properties of the oil but in a much milder form. It has been termed the 'ethereal sibling' of the essential oil.

Sleep disorders:     A few drops of lavender oil on the pillow or a spray of lavender water will help induce a restful sleep.
Ironing:     Use lavender water in the iron to give your clothes a fresh scent and prolong the life of your delicate linens.
Insect repellant:     Lavender water may be safely sprayed around foods to keep flies away. It may also be sprayed on plants to control mealy bug and aphids.
Antiseptic:   Cuts and scrapes may be cleansed with lavender water to reduce the risk of infection.
Cosmetic applications:     Lavender water is good to clean makeup off and to tone the face.
Pet wash:     Terrific in the final wash to keep your pet flea free and cuddle-worthy.

Lavender Bath

Excellent for aching muscles, relaxation, stress relief. Add 6-8 drops Lavender essential oil after running the water and vigorously agitate water. Add the drops to a capful of milk or Epsom salts and then put in the bath as this helps to disperse the oils through out the water. This is a great way to receive the benefits of Lavender oil. Lie back and enjoy!

Lavender Shower
After wetting your hair, add 3 drops Lavender oil to a capful of water and tip onto your head. Stand under running water and allow oils to rinse off. Cup your hands over your face and breathe in the vapors. Add oils when shampooing your hair and rinse off as normal.

Lavender Vaporization
Fill the top dish of an 'oil burner' or 'vaporizer' with water and add 6-8 drops of Lavender oil. Place a lit tea light candle in the space provided underneath the dish. This is a very good way to receive the benefits of the Lavender oil. Use in the bedroom or living room. Vaporization is especially good to use when you have a cold or feel unwell. Keep burner away from draughts and open windows. Hint: use warm water in the dish for quicker results.  I use an oil diffuser which I bought from Ebay for about $40.

Lavender Massage

This is a particularly effective way to apply the oils when you have tight and sore muscles or have sustained an injury. The oils will be absorbed quickly into the blood stream, thus assisting the body and mind. NEVER massage UNDILUTED oils, always use a good quality vegetable or carrier oil. Add 5 drops of Lavender oil per 10ml of vegetable oil. Use 1-2 drops for babies and the elderly. Only use lavender with babies.

Lavender Tissues/Handkerchief
Good for instant relief from flu, sinusitis and anxiety. Use 1-3 drops Lavender oil and inhale immediately as required.  You can buy empty inhalers on Ebay very cheaply.  Just fill up the cotton centre with your choice of oils and snap on the outer case.  Carry in your handbag.

Lavender Steam Inhalation

Great for colds and flu or as part of a skincare/acne regime. Add 4-6 drops to a bowl of hot water. Place a towel over your head and breathe in the vapor. Keep your eyes shut. Continue to breathe deeply for a few minutes, occasionally removing the towel and your head from the bowl.

Lavender Hand/Foot Bath

Great for tired feet, fatigue or sore/dry hands. Add 4-6 drops Lavender oil to a large bowl of warm water and soak for approx 10 minutes. Then apply a Lavender lotion for added benefits.

Lavender Compress

In a bowl or warm water add 6-8 drops Lavender oil and swirl around. Soak a cloth then gently squeeze out and apply to area of your body you wish to treat. Use cold water for treating new muscular injuries or sprains.

Lavender directly for Burns

After running cold water on the burn for approx 10 minutes, put a few drops of neat lavender oil onto the burnt area (including sunburn). This will greatly assist the healing process. ONLY use lavender. Remember serious burns must be seen to by a doctor.
The dosages mentioned are recommended for average sized adults. For the elderly, disabled, the very sick or young children, half the dose is recommended.

So, you see there are tons of uses for essential oils and lavender is one of the most versatile!

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

My List of 'Essential' Essential Oils

online - 
Otherwise you may get them at your local health food shop, but they MUST be therapeutic essential oils (the best). 

My list of MUST HAVES are:

Tea tree
Eucalyptus  (prices below)

I have also added a few others I like to use, but the above 4 are the basic.

Lavender: $4.95    10 mls
Peppermint: $4.95   “
Tea tree:      $4.95    “
Rosemary:   $4.95
Rose Geranium:  $5.95
Cedarwood:  $4.95
Lemongrass or Lemon Myrtle – for smell  $5.95
Eucalyptus: $4.95
Ylang Ylang: $7.95 – gorgeous for face creams etc.

I will be posting what you can use these oils for in the coming posts.

Monday, 30 July 2012

Hydrogen Peroxide Supplies

For those in Australia here is where to buy your H202.

Barrington River Organic Farm
920 Barrington West Road, Barrington. NSW  2422

Tel: 1800 225500

VERY IMPORTANT:  This is 35% Hydrogen Peroxide and MUST be diluted very carefully to 3%.  That is one part H202 and 11 parts distilled water or Nobles Pure Water (from the supermarket).
You must wear gloves and protect clothing as it can burn.

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Good Health using Essential Oils

"Aromatherapy" to me was almost a dirty word for many years.  It was a suspicious use of smelly oils that people claimed brought healing.  Those people usually wore weird clothing and smelled a little strange!  However, my eyes have been opened in recent years  to the amazing healing powers of essential oils.   If herbs contain vitamins and minerals more powerful than fruits and vegetables, then essential oils are like herbs on steroids!  I have learned very living thing has a vibration or energy force.

When your immune system is in perfect condition and balance, your molecules, cells, tissues and organs are in perfect harmony. But when disease and illness are present many times it may look as if it is a chemical imbalance, but it also is an electromagnetic imbalance. When your body begins to heal, it means that the frequency of the cells is coming back to a state of equilibrium

Therapeutic grade essential oils produce frequencies that bring health and healing to our bodies. Synthetic oils do not! The energy within these essential oils has the 'breath of life' within them.

Many have experienced the immediate difference in their being when they simply 'smell' a pure unadulterated essential oil. It has been proven in scientific reports that essential oils can create an environment conducive to helping the body heal itself.

Aromatic Plants, Herbs and Essential Oils have been used for aromatherapy, incense, perfume, culinary and medicinal purposes for thousands of years by many cultures. The Bible mentions over 33 species of fragrant plants with over 1,035 references to essential oils and/or plants in the Old and New Testaments.

During Biblical Times, essential oils were inhaled, applied to the body as anointing oil, and taken internally in which the benefits extended to every aspect of their being physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. I will be bringing more about essential oils in future posts.  See my links for more info.

Monday, 23 July 2012



Turning 50, for me was a bit of a shock! It was as if all the signs of aging decended on me all at once. I started to feel aches and pains in all sorts of places, menopause set in and my muscles felt stiff and sore most of the time. I couldn't sleep, had dry eyes and mouth, creaking knees, back pain, and the list could go on.

I know, I sound like a bit of a whinger, but I tell you this to not glorify the signs of aging, but to share how I started on my journey to reverse these signs.

I am going to share with you my own story to natural health, which of course is ongoing, as I learn more every year!

There is an old saying: "When the student is ready, the Teacher appears". Is this ever true! As I started to look for answers, I was overwhelmed with information I never new existed. I am not a doctor or qualified to offer health advice of any kind, but I will point you to the links of those who are qualified. My only hope is that I will jolt your interest in different methods of healing the body and that you will study it out for yourself.

This is my first blog of many, covering this topic. I hope you will enjoy and benefit from it to help in your own quest for healthy living and aging. Selah.

Delicious Veges

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare’s 2012 Food & Nutrition Report was released last week and found that 91% of adults do not eat enough vegetables and only half eat enough fruit.

I have come up with a beautiful recipe for mixed vegetables that takes next to no time to prepare.  Here it is:

Mediterranean Baked Vegetables


Any selection of vegetables that can be baked in an oven.  Here is what I usually choose.

One of each of these:

Red onion
Sweet potato
One crown of garlic (with papers on)
Herbs of choice optional.

I chop each one into chunks, and place them into a baking dish.
Then I mix in a small jar, equal parts of balsamic vinigar and olive oil (approx 1/8 cup) and shake vigorously.  Pour over the veges and toss thoroughly.  Bake in 200 degrees C for 40-45 minutes.
I eat vegetables this way for about 3 nights a week.

Friday, 20 July 2012

How to take Hydrogen Peroxide by Inhalation

More info about Hydrogen Peroxide coming soon.
See my Links section for The One Minute Cure for more info.

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Health Insurance

The Dictionary's definition of health insurance:
insurance that compensates the insured for expenses or loss incurred for medical reasons, as through illness or hospitalization.

I have another definition of insurance:  Good Health!
I believe you pay for your health - one way or another.  You either pay for it now, in good health products and activities to prevent sickness, or later when you are sick and trying to get better.

It makes sense to me to spend my money on keeping healthy so that I never need to go through the trauma of sickness and spending large amounts of money on trying to get well!  We have chosen to spend the money we would be spending on hospital insurance on our health rather than using the same amount on a hospital insurance "just in case".  To do both would be stretching the budget.

My own mother has been in hospital a couple of times - to have children but has maintained excellent health mostly due to apple cider vinegar.  She walks regularly, attends a chiropractor, takes a couple of supplements and has a good attitude.  She is 84 years old and planning her next trip to England - where she has been working on and off for the past 30 years as a companion help to ailing elderly, some of whom are younger than her!

I take a leaf out of her book and choose to do the same.
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!