Friday, 10 May 2013

Blood Thinning with Earthing

My girlfriend in Melbourne and my father in law have both started earthing at night.  Both of them told me after a day or two that they were burning hot at night.  My father in law even pulled out the plug thinking it would cool him down (like an electric blanket).

However, I feel the answer lies with the blood which has become thinner.  As we age, our blood cells become sticky and clump together rather than circulating separately.  Contact with the Earth appears to create warmth in the extremities and body as a result of better circulation and relaxation.   There is a study where blood was taken from several people by a Cardiologist who was studying the effects of earthing on the heart.  After only 40 minutes of earthing, the "ketchup" sticky blood in almost all subjects was changed to almost a "red wine" consistency.  Photos were taken of the results which I now show.

Dr Sinatra went on to do a professional study:

Thursday, 9 May 2013

The Amazing Health Benefits of Grounding/Earthing

The most immediately noticeable effect people report from being grounded is that they ‘feel better’.  This has been described as a feeling of greater peace within themselves, feeling calmer with reduced stress levels.  If there is pain present then often this is reduced or disappears completely.

With regular grounding, numerous health benefits have been observed, such as:

Improved immune function
Improved digestion
Improved sleep
Rapid healing of injuries
Improved blood circulation
Accelerated recovery from intense athletic activity
Reduction of inflammation
Reduced stress / anxiety / irritability
Dramatically reduces inflammation.
Reduces or eliminates chronic pain.
Increases energy.
Improves blood pressure and flow.
Relieves muscle tension and headaches.
Dramatically speeds healing and prevents sores.
Reduces or eliminates jet lag.
Protects the body against harmful
electromagnetic fields (EMFs)

Please note that none of the information here constitutes medical advice in any way.

In the coming days, I will be posting up greater information about some of these positive effects, as well as some testimonys from some of my friends who have begun earthing.

Colds Away Oil Blend

url.jpgI just found this oil blend recipe for the colder months.
No need to use it just for keeping colds away, it is delicious anytime!

3 Drops Lemon Myrtle
3 Drops Eucalyptus
2 Drops Peppermint

Always add oils to warm water in your oil burner, not just on their own!